Thursday, June 2, 2011

Setting up a RAID 0 System?

I have a computer with XP Pro SP3. I have two 1.5TB drives I would like to set into a RAID system. Everytime I try it with my RAID card it only shows 137GB. How can I get it to RAID the drives so it shows all 3TB (I would not mind having to change operating systems, as long as it is windows). Thanks.Setting up a RAID 0 System?
You do understand that you are seriously playing with fire in RAID 0, right? I'm puzzled as to why you would want to. I won't ask why you would want 3 TB of HD, it's more a question of why you would want 3 contiguous TB of storage. With RAID 0 you need to be able to back up your data because if either drive fails, you are done. No recovery options. Nothing to do but format the good drive and call everything that was previously on the drives a complete loss. All that being said, I don't know why it's limiting you to 137 GB. I know that XP has a limit to how large a partition it's installation routine can create. Maybe that's where the problem lies.

Actionjksn: You do know that there are free partition tools and you don't need to download pirated software, right?Setting up a RAID 0 System?
Maybe your motherboard or RAID card doesn't support 3TB of memory. Simply, that is a lot of memory that many people won't even get to use. What kind of RAID card do you have? Maybe you should check others to see if they could support it. I'm not that experienced with Hard Drive RAID so I'm going to stop right here since I might be telling you the wrong info.Setting up a RAID 0 System?
Download u torrent, then go to one of the torrent sites like mininova. and download acronis partition manager. Then try to extend the partition.. You may even be able to do it within windows using disk management. It is found in the control panel. In administrative tools. Right click on the partition and look for the option extend partition.Setting up a RAID 0 System?
You will need to set RAID level to 0 to have it read both disk.

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